Thursday 12 November 2015

Animal Farm - Chapters 8 and 9

We are approaching the end of the book!
As a guide, try to answer these questions with as much information you can recall.

Chapter 8
1. Describe some changes in Napoleon’s behavior in this chapter. What do these actions suggest about his personality?
2. Why do you think Napoleon forbids the pigeons from visiting other farms? 
3. Describe the Battle of the Windmill. How does it end? 
4. If you were an animal on Animal Farm, would you consider the Battle of the Windmill a victory?
5. Squealer announces that Napoleon is dying. Is he really? Why do this pigs jump to this conclusion? 

Chapter 9 
1. How does Boxer react to being injured? 
2. Do you think the animals are better off now than in Mr. Jone’s days? Explain. 
3. The pigs seem to be getting more and more special treatment and privileges. What are some of the things they now enjoy that the other animals do not? 
4. What are some of the items the animals need to purchase? 
5. Why might Napoleon (or any leader) encourage celebrations even when times are hard? 
6. What might the raven Moses represent in the history of Russia? Does Orwell present Moses as a positive or a negative figure? 
7. Where do the pigs get the money for another case of whisky? What does this suggest about Napoleon’s personality and priorities?

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